welcome << services
Receive, appraise and report on client's requirements and advising the client on procedures to meet these requirements. Discussing and advising on the appointment of other consultants, method of contracting, budgetary and time constraints.
Initial concept sketches and ideas to assess and confirm accommodation, space provision, planning relationships and services intended to be used. This may involve several sketches exploring various options to achieve the best solution to the client's brief and accommodation. Advising the client on the functional, technical, and aesthetic characteristics of the design proposal and discussing the estimated costs in relation to the budget and the anticipated project programme.
Develop the Design Concept in sufficient detail to define the construction of the building. This may involve 3-D representations of the proposed building to further illustrate the design. Review and coordinate work with other consultants and specialists appointed.
Prepare detailed construction documentation and coordinate work with appointed consultants and specialists for Council Submission. Submit drawings to the Local Council and obtain approval.
Complete Construction Documentation and prepare to call for tenders. Discuss shortlist off possible contractors, method of contracting etc. with client. Proceed to call for tenders, evaluate offers and recommend on the awarding of the Building Contract. Prepare Contract Documentation and arrange for signing.
Administer and perform the duties assigned to the professional in the Building Contract. This will include regular Site Meetings and Inspections to ensure that building work is carried out as per specifications and sound building practice and issuing of Client Reports on progress, building work etc. This also involves the coordination of relevant consultants and contractors as to ensure the delivery of 0 high-quality building within the time and budgetary constraints.
Provide the client with as-built drawings, certificates, relevant technical data and guarantees from suppliers on completion of the works.
Site selection, survey and location
Economic feasibility
Master site planning of future buildings related to the current works
Promotional material
Artwork and graphics
Purpose-made items
Surveys and inspections
Measuring up Existing Buildings and preparation of As-Built documentation
© 2021 - ENDesigns, Professional Architects